2023 Annual Report

成绩反思 & milestones that fills us with pride as we present the 2023 annual report of the Greater Omaha Chamber.

这是立法胜利和经济机遇并存的一年, our efforts played a pivotal role in shaping policies that foster growth and development. 当我们进入即将到来的一年, 我们对成员和促进区域经济发展的承诺坚定不移.


Quarterly Reports


In 2023, the Greater Omaha Chamber utilized its influential voice by championing the interests of the business community at both the state and local levels. The 2023 Nebraska legislative session showcased the Chamber’s perseverance leading to the successful advancement of key priorities decades in the making. 像LB 754这样的公共政策胜利强调了我们对竞争力的承诺, 降低企业和个人所得税的最高税率. 围绕工业基地发展的其他努力, extensions of economic development tax credits and transportation infrastructure bonding were also successful in 2023. These changes will catalyze investment and job creation and play a vital role in workforce attraction and retention across the region.

LB 754 Passed


LB 754排名第一 & 到2027年的公司税率


Landed Projects in 2023

$700 Million+

Capital Investment

New Jobs

$28 Million

New annual payroll

In economic development, 我们将继续专注于吸引投资, 我们整个地区的就业和工资增长. 除了落地项目, our efforts to promote the region have identified 140 new prospective projects representing $20 billion in potential investment and the creation of 13,000 jobs. Our Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) program to support local companies was an integral part of our economic development efforts in 2023. 超过275次访问建立了新的经济发展关系, 在整个社区提供商业援助和大量推荐.


The Greater Omaha Chamber continued to serve its members through our events and with longstanding talent-oriented programs including Leadership Omaha, CODE和青年专业编程. 这些努力超越了传统的网络, 促进促进进步的对话, 组织和社区内的包容性和积极变化.

As we adapt to evolving dynamics, our commitment to member engagement remains unwavering. To that end, the Greater Omaha Chamber underwent a significant internal review to ensure long-term and sustained success in the programmatic areas that make our chamber unique. 通过严格的财政规划,我们减少了1美元.5 million in ongoing expenses allowing the Chamber to not only end the fiscal year in balanced position, 而且四年来第一次向我们的储备基金捐款. Moving forward, your Greater Omaha Chamber will be in a stronger position to continue valued programming, while also having the flexibility to respond to emerging economic development needs and projects.

Membership Results


Member retention rate




Sponsor organizations

2024 Priorities:


  • 区域经济增长
  • 加强营商环境
  • Member Services

Our strategic approach involves measuring success through three key metrics: Total Wage Growth, 主要就业增长和劳动力增长. 我们对奥马哈MSA实际工资增长的承诺推动了经济发展, 强调为更广泛的经济增长创造主要就业机会. Addressing the critical issue of labor force attraction and retention remains at the forefront of overcoming barriers to our region’s growth.

与这些指标相关的工作扩展到整个大奥马哈商会. Yet, our economic development work remains our “true north” and serves as the foundation for strategic programming. From new-to-market business attraction in our eight-county partnership to corridor development in North and South Omaha to startup and small business assistance to continued support for the Urban Core and modern streetcar, the Greater Omaha Chamber is committed now more than ever in being the chief advocate and innovator in regional economic development.

Leading public policy advocacy and maintaining a strong business climate remains paramount to our daily work. 与我们的策略一致, we strive to make the Greater Omaha Chamber one of the most influential voices in the federal, 州和地方公共政策空间通过我们的候选人学院培训, 军事事务的参与和大奥马哈商会PAC的支持.

Our strategic focus on Member Services aims to enhance both engagement and ROI to members through a major membership redesign. With the reintroduction of regular updates on regional economic activity and projects plus the creation of new member benefits, the Greater Omaha Chamber has committed publicly to create the best value-proposition of any business association in Nebraska. 这种通过活动吸引博天堂线上首页的新方法, programming and technical assistance is poised to contribute to the success of businesses looking to expand in the region.

大奥马哈商会(Greater Omaha Chamber)的2023年之旅既是挑战,也是进步. Our advocacy efforts, economic development successes and member engagement initiatives have collectively propelled our community forward. 随着我们大举进军2024年, 我们致力于推动区域增长, enhancing the business climate and delivering exceptional member service remains unwavering.

大奥马哈商会准备继续取得成功, 站在韧性的灯塔上, 合作与繁荣. Thank you for being part of our 130-year story – and helping us write the next chapter of our collective economic success!

2024 Key Metrics

Total Wage Growth
Primary Job Growth
Labor Force Growth


Heath Mello

President & CEO,
Greater Omaha Chamber

Tim Burke Signature

Carmen Tapio

North End telesservices, LLC首席执行官
2023-2024, Chair of the
Greater Omaha Chamber


Mutual of Omaha
About Baxter

百特汽车集团是美国领先的汽车零售集团之一, 为奥马哈/林肯社区服务, Nebraska; Kansas City, Kansas; and Colorado Springs, Colorado. The company has grown from one dealership in 1957 to 19 in 2022 and represents nine of the nation’s top automotive brands, including Ford, Lexus, Toyota, Audi, Volkswagen, Honda, Subaru, Mercedes-Benz, and Infiniti. 

我们将这种增长和扩张归功于我们优秀的员工, whose skills, professionalism, 奉献精神是我们持续成功的基石. 我们不断投资于员工体验, 为我们的团队成员提供行业领先的福利, 灵活的工作与生活平衡, 一种优先考虑目标的体验, growth, well-being, and belonging.

 We also believe in being active in and giving back to the communities we serve, donating more than 1.6 million dollars 到2021年将捐赠给100多个慈善组织.  

About FNBO

FNBO(奥马哈第一国民银行)是内布拉斯加州第一国民银行的子公司. (FNNI), is one of the largest privately held banks in the US and has been in business for more than 165 years. FNNI及其附属公司拥有超过300亿美元的资产和5000名员工. 主要银行办事处位于内布拉斯加州, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming, 提供个人及商业银行服务, mortgage, payment solutions, 财富管理及其他. As the great big, 小银行成立于1857年, FNBO一直保持着对客户的承诺,并帮助建立强大的社区. Learn more at FNBO.com and connect on Facebook, X and Instagram. Member FDIC.

McGrath North
About McGrath North

McGrath North始终专注于客户的成功.  We have a talented team of over 70 experts who effectively and successfully collaborate with our clients, including small and mid-size businesses to Fortune 500 companies operating in a broad range of industries.

我们根据为客户提供的真实价值来判断自己, 他们是否在中西部经营, across the country, 或者在全球的商业中心.  通过不懈地追求卓越,我们获得了成功.  

To be our best, McGrath North一直在改变和投资人才, technology, and leadership, 真正致力于建设多样性, 公司内部的公平和包容, 我们的职业和我们的社区.  虽然我们为我们第一个60年的服务感到自豪, we are always innovating and recreating ourselves for the challenges ahead for our clients.


McGrath North
关于North End Teleservices

North End Teleservices, LLC is an omnichannel global provider of outsourced contact center services to government and commercial sectors. 该公司致力于其使命
创造就业机会,改变生活. 北端电信服务公司是一家经过认证的女性拥有的公司, minorityowned, HUBZone and Enterprise Zone business that serves as an extension of its clients’ brands and service delivery model, 与小型和大型B2B合作, B2C, and government agencies. At its core, North End Teleservices is a human capital service organization underscored by the
我们行业中最好的技术. 自成立以来,北端电信服务公司已经增加了306多美元.为内布拉斯加州的经济贡献了200万美元. 它的企业文化体现了同理心的品质,
integrity, empowerment, expertise, diversity, and inclusivity, 致力于社区发展, reinvestment, and revitalization. North End Teleservices customizes contact center operations to meet every client’s specific needs. 北端电信服务树立了业务流程外包的新标准.

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